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Hi, Elizabeth here,

How are you feeling?

Have the last two years affected you physically, emotionally or mentally?

Are you feeling a little shaky as you adjust to the changes in your life? 

It's been a bumpy ride for many of us. I'm here to help


I have thought long and hard about how I can best serve you. In addition to my face to face treatments, I offer Distant/Remote treatments for those of you who may still not feel comfortable having a face to face treatment. This means that you and I have video consultations using WhatsApp, FaceTime or Zoom followed by distance Reflexology, Reiki or Crystal Healing. Flower essence consultations can also be held over video link and I will post your blended essence to you as usual. This ensures that you can still benefit from my professional help, whilst staying safe.


For many years I have sent distance Reiki, Crystal Healing and the energy of Flower Essences as additional support. During lockdowns I worked exclusively in this way supporting my friends and family through their ups and downs. Since June 2020, I and a large group of Reflexologists have been working together sending distance Reflexology to one another, our friends and our families and recording our findings. What has surprised us all is that what was previously considered purely a hands on touch therapy works just as well when given from a distance. In fact we all concur that it is often even more powerful than working face to face.


If you prefer the idea of enjoying treatments in the safety and comfort of your own home or if you simply can't imagine how this may work and would like to find out more, email me at: to set up a telephone call so that we can chat about it. I look forward to hearing from you. Take care, Elizabeth 



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